+91-80-23712195 / 23712196

Social Responsibility

Veer-O-Metals believes in its responsibility towards society and
is committed to the well-being of its employees.

The company provides a safe and healthy working environment to its employees, with regular training programs on health and safety. Veer-O-Metals also support various community development initiatives, such as education and healthcare programs, to improve the standard of living in neighboring areas. The company believes that a healthy society leads to a healthier business and is committed to making a positive impact in the communities it operates in. Veer-O-Metals all sites are certified with ISO 45001: 2018 and follow most of the guidelines of ISO 26000.

 Social Responsibility

We are a member of United Nations Global Compact and aim to commit SDGs prescribed by United Nations Global Compact.

We endeavor, to integrate human rights into our business using the 9 core principles namely:


Freely Chosen Employment


Prevention of Underage Labour and Protection of Young Workers


Fair Organization of Working Time


Fair Wages and Benefits


Fair Treatment, Anti-harassment


Non Discrimination


Freedom Of Association


Fair Working Conditions and
Employee Well-being


Privacy of Personal Information

We care for the community
through our CSR activities.